Burt Butlers Jazz Pilgrims Bands to book and clubs/pubs to visit
Here is a list of bands to book and clubs to visit so scroll down and get the info etc. BANDS : GAMBIT JAZZMEN RISING RIVER JAZZMEN THE DUMAINE STREET JAZZBAND GODOONER JAZZ BAND
The Blue Rhythm Kings
taken in the Croydon area 1990 picture from the Eric Webster collection Band members: Malcolm Walton tpt/ldr, Brian Hills clt/alto, Edwin 'Boots' Baker tbn, Eric Webster bnj, Colin Martin piano, Ron Goulding tuba and Geoff Collins drms.
A rather posed picture of th BRK's L/R : Robin Beames drms, Malcolm Walton crnt/ldr, John Morphew sousa, Kenny Pyrke tmb Eric Webster bnj and Alan Robinson clt. taken around the 80's/90's.
About 15 years ago Ted Smith and I were
working through some chords in my front room in Sydenham Ted Smith bnj, Chris Marchant drms and George Bridges bass/leader
Absolutely Positively Dave/voc Why Should I Cry Over You Mick/voc My Life Will Be Sweeter Ted/voc Baby Have You Got A Little Love To Spare Dave/voc
band members: |
The Godooner Jazz Band
Band memners: Geoff Rosewell tpt, Bob Kitson clt, Doug Waring tmb, Roy
Neville bnj, Mike Godfrey bass and Derek Hawkes drms
The Godooners. A recallection by Geoff Rowswell.
The date that it all started was around 1955. I had been studying at the
Medway College of Art for a year and found myself in the same
At that time I was living with my parents on the Isle of Sheppey, and
attended one of the local youth clubs at weekends. I took my guitar
During this period I visited Ken Colyer's club in
London, and
immediately decided that I was going to play the trumpet like Ken! Bill,
So ,very quickly the Godooner Skiffle group developed into the Godooner
Jazzband, with
on banjo, Mike on teachest, Len on
or watch the video of them on U-Tube -
click here
click on to the titles below to hear the lads:
Here are the lads on a wonderful portrait by Lyn Horn of the 1066 club of Hastings when the Gambit Jazzmen were voted the band of the year in 2004
Pete at the San Diego Jazz Festival 2007 with the 'Katie Cavera and Friends'
sessions John Cocuzzi (vibes), Katie Cavera (guitar), Carl Sonny Leyland (piano) Johnny D’Artenay (string bass), and Pete Lay (drums) Playing 'Rose Room' click here to watch - great stuff back to top Index back to music/video index
Resident every Tuesday at the Rose and Crown, East
Peckham, Kent.
so click on to the two video titles for the real flavour : all photos and videos taken at The Rose and Crown 23rd January 2007 back to top Index back to music/video index The Savoy Jazzmen 1967 - 68
memories from Dave Styles of the Savoy
Jazz Band
This photo was taken by a Chatham Observer photographer in the upstairs
room of "The Prince Albert" pub,
Canterbury Street, Gillingham, where we ran our one-band club for a few months with guests welcome.
We also played various other venues, those I remember are; The Britannia,
Pier Rd., Gillingham, the canteen
at Novadel Ltd., Pier Rd., Gillingham, the Sergeant's Mess at Brompton Barracks and various weddings where we tried to play waltzes, and other dance requests, another venue where we played and that was "The Crispin and Crispianus" at Strood Hill, a lovely old grade II listed pub.
Various other musicians augmented the band at times, of whom a young Alan
Robinson [clarinet] and
The members of the band are, from left to right;
Malcolm Ing [guitar], Bob Boorman [trombone], Roger Draper [drums], Tom
Brady [trumpet], Ivan Wells [alto sax]
and myself Dave Styles [guitar] [seated]. photo from Dave Styles The Village Green Stompers 1977 - Chris Rowley and John Knock formed the TVGS on the Village Green in Leigh, Kent for the Queens Silver Jubilee in 1977
L/Right - a wedding in Leigh, Kent. John Knock tmb, Chris Rowley piano, Tom Brady tpt, Pete Drage sousa Dudley Hurrell drms, Richard Brennan reeds and Burtie Butler bnj.
outside St Marys Church Leigh 30th April 2006 here are the lads playing - Indiana click here or pic to play
The Stompers entertaining band members: Jerry Pond sousa , Joy
Townson, Eric Webster bnj's, Dudley
Hurrell drms, John Knock tmb,
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